Bridgemark offers students in grades 1-12 the opportunity to work with our highly qualified, specialized teachers on reading, spelling, written expression, and math in a classroom setting with the ratio of 6:1 to 10:1. Classes in other areas such as social studies, science, technology, music, art, robotics, chess and physical education are also offered. The students in grades 9-12 are offered a full high school curriculum designed to challenge and prepare them for the future. The Bridgemark student to staff ratio is currently 3:1.
The principles of the Orton-Gillingham philosophy and the June Shelton School of Dallas are embedded in every class, every day, by every teacher. The Bridgemark staff members are lifelong learners and continuously sharpen their skills through ongoing professional development. We strive to unlock the highest level of potential in every student and strengthen their weaknesses while celebrating their strengths.
Bridgemark Tuition 
* $13,550 for full-day program
* $9800 for half-day program
Supply/Technology Fee
* All supplies are provided by Bridgemark.
One-time Application Fee
* $100 per student
Annual Enrollment Fee
* $425 per student
Tuition Payment Plans Available:
* Option A – 2 payments: Due August 1 and January 1
* Option B – 10 payments: Due monthly beginning August 1